DFN-Verein: Domains

Creating web conferences

Log in to https://webconf.vc.dfn.de as organizer. Create a New Meeting. Skip Select Participants. In Send Invitations a custom invitation text can be inserted and sent via Email to all meeting participants.

Adobe Connect Documentation

For an introduction to Acrobat Connect see:


You find further information on using Connect and tutorials in English on the Adobe Connect User Community website:


Adobe Connect Internet portals

You find further information on using Connect and tutorials in English on the Adobe Connect User Community website:


You can download the latest version of Adobe Connect Add-in, Apps for smartphones  and Plugins for email readers from


There is also a WIKI of the German user group called D-A-CH


and a forum called Connect User Group DACH (German):


Adobe Connect Internet portals (copy 1)

You find further information on using Connect and tutorials in English on the Adobe Connect User Community website:


You can download the latest version of Adobe Connect Add-in, Apps for smartphones  and Plugins for email readers from


There is also a WIKI of the German user group called D-A-CH


and a forum called Connect User Group DACH (German):


aktualisiert:15. June 2022 15:11